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Winmax Bd77 Update MTK6261DA Flash File Read By CM2 And Miracle Box

Waiting for USB Port...

Set MTK USB Port (COM7)

Please Hold "ON" to connect with the phone...

Connected to Phone.

CPU: MT6261_S0001 Ver: CB01 md:8000

Downloading Boot7 ...

Nor/SF Flash Type: NOR_NEW_0113

Nor Flash Code: 00EF0070(00160000)

Nor/SF Flash Size: 0x400000 Hex Bytes

INT/EXT RAM Size: 01x0+0x0


The phone information:

KEYTAK61D_GB_11C_PCB01_GPRS_MT6261_S00.T2014_VERSION.BIN the file not be encrypted

Read OK.

Total time: 0 mins 8 s

>>File Save to: C:\Users\Master Telecom\Desktop\winmax Bd77 MTK6261 Flash File\KEYTAK61D_GB_11C_PCB01_GPRS_MT6261_S00.T2014_VERSION.BIN


Download Link -Bin File 


Phone found! [ 7 ]


Sync Ok, read regs...

Inital regs read done

Boot Info :

BB_CPU_ID : 6261


BB_CPU_SW : 0001

BB_CPU_SB : 8000

BB_CPU_NM : [MediaTek] MT6261_S0000

BB_CPU_SN : 52287E3233F0513C96F3D71D9ECD7221

BROM Protocol Version : 05


Setting done , result code 0x000E

BROM stage done

Seek and prepare DownloadAgent

DownloadAgent matching HW Found!

DA verify and select done

Sending DA to target ...

DA_INFO : 0xC0 , Ver : 3.2 , BBID : 0x8E SOC_VERIFY : 0xC1


NOR Flash IC initialized

FLASH_VEN : 0x0113 , [Winbond] SF_W25Q32JV

FLASH_DIE : 00EF 0070 0016 0000

FLASH_LEN : 0x00400000

SDS_INFO : 0x003FE000 , 0x00002000

INT_RAM : 0x0000D000

EXT_RAM : 0x00400000

Reading Flash Content now ...

Read Flash now

Read Ok , 4194304 bytes read

Check and collect compile info

File_Info : KEYTAK61D_GB_11C_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00.T2014_VERSION.bin FileVersion : T2014_VERSION

[ScatCFG] : MT6261 / T2014_VERSION / NOR , SF Firmware saved to : C:\InfinityBox\CM2MTK\Read_out\KEYTAK61D_GB_11C_PCB01_gprs_MT6261_S00\


Elapsed: 00:00:15

Reconnect Power/Cable!


Download Link - Scatter File Download 

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